More Pocket Boxes Coming Soon!

March 30, 2023

This summer, the Pocket Box line heats up with three never-before-pocket-boxed games. From party to strategy, we're covering all the bases with this new batch of boxes!

Caligula is an all-new drinking game based on giving silly commands and challenging dictates to your inebriated senators. As Caesar, players make laws for others to follow, trying to cause them to fail, take a drink, and ultimately go broke. The last one with coinage wins!

Proteus brings back our classic strategy dice game played on a chess board. Each side gets eight dice that start as lowly pawns, but you control what chess piece they turn into! Stronger pieces get more options just like in regular chess, but watch out – they're also worth more points to your opponent. 

Tribes brings a large-group social game to the lineup. 4-9 players form groups and build their tribe from the ground up, trying to procreate and protect their kin. Groups might work together to further a common goal, but ultimately they have to look after their own offspring first. This is an awesome game for conventions with larger groups!

Look for these new Pocket Box games later this summer! 

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